Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have a question about Birchway Niagara services or abuse? This list of frequently asked questions might help. Don’t see the answer to your question? Call or email us.

Skip to: Getting Help, Shelter, Children, Practical Concerns, Individual Needs, Awareness

Getting Help

How old do I have to be to get help?

You can access shelter and counselling services without parental/guardian consent at the age of 16. If you are under 16 and are a Crown Ward of FACS or CCAS, you may be able to come into shelter at a younger age if your stay is authorized or requested by the appropriate child welfare agency. Youth ages 12 and older can also provide their own consent to receive counselling. Please note, however, that our support lines are confidential (we do not see your phone number) so even if you are not yet 16 and are looking for information, you can call us.

Do I need to be in danger to call?
No. In fact, the earlier that you identify that you may be experiencing abuse (which often starts with emotional and other forms of non-physical abuse), the safer you will likely be. Abuse tends to get worse over time so call for support as soon as you can.

Can I get help if I don’t stay in the shelter?
Yes. Call or text our support line for immediate counselling support over the phone or to book an appointment with one of our staff. We can help you with the emotional and practical aspects of dealing with an abusive relationship.

I haven’t been physically abused. Can I still get help?
Abuse doesn’t have to be physical to hurt and have long-lasting impacts on you and your family. Call us if you are experiencing any type of abuse (e.g., emotional, psychological, financial, social). Not sure if you are experiencing abuse? You can still call.

I was abused many years ago but am still having a hard time. Can you help?
Yes. We can provide some immediate support and can also connect you with other organizations who can help provide longer term support.


Is there always space available?
Women’s shelters across Ontario are sometimes overwhelmed by the demand so there will be times when there are no beds available. Even if you call at a time when we have no space, our staff will do everything they can to help you maximize your safety (e.g., referring you to another shelter, helping you to find other housing options, helping you to safety plan until a bed becomes available).

How long can I stay in a shelter?
Birchway Niagara provides short-term emergency shelter and crisis intervention. Your length of stay will take into consideration your unique situation and community realities such as the availability of affordable housing. The length of stay varies considerably for each resident.

Can I have visitors?
Yes. You can arrange with our staff to have visitors.

Can I leave the shelter at all while I’m there?
Everyone’s situation is different. In many cases, however, residents continue to go about their daily routines (which may include going to work or school) while they are staying with us.

What do you do to help keep women safe while in shelter?
Our shelter is equipped with a number of security features such as Maglocks on each entrance that can only be locked and unlocked by staff when residents enter or leave the building. There are many security cameras that are regularly monitored by our staff. Visitors to our shelters are asked to make an appointment before coming on site to maximize their security and the security of our residents.

Can I bring my pet?
Although we do not currently have a pet sheltering program, we can help you figure out your options or connect you with other service providers who may be able to help you find a temporary home for your pet while you are in shelter. Service animals are welcome.


How will custody of my children be affected if I stay in shelter?
Staying in shelter will not affect the custody of your children.

Do you only serve female clients? Can I bring my son?
Male children and youth who are your dependents can join you in shelter in most instances (generally up to the age of 21) and can access the services of our Child and Youth Intervention Advocates.

I am a father who is concerned that my child is being exposed to abuse. Can I get help for him or her?
Yes. If your child is experiencing or is exposed to abuse (e.g., if their mother or their mother’s partner is behaving abusively), please reach out to Birchway Niagara for support.

Will my child attend school while I am in shelter? How will he/she get there?
Every situation is different and we will work with you to help determine whether or not it is safe for your child to attend school while you are with us. If your child attends school, we will work with local schools to try to arrange transportation.

If I admit that I am being abused and I have children, will Family and Children’s Services get involved?
Birchway Niagara staff, placement students and volunteers have a legal obligation to report actual or suspected child abuse. If your child or children have been exposed to abuse or are otherwise considered to be in need of protection, Birchway Niagara will contact Family and Children’s Services (FACS). The mission of FACS is to “protect, support and strengthen the lives of children, youth, adults and families.” They can act as a support when family violence is present. If FACS determines that a case worker will be assigned, Birchway Niagara staff can offer support as you work with them.

Practical Concerns

Can you help me with transportation costs while I am in shelter?
Birchway Niagarea can cover the costs of a taxi or bus ticket when you arrive at the shelter and on the day that you leave, and may be able to help cover the costs of transportation to and from some appointments. Regular transportation costs (e.g., for work or social activities) are not generally covered.

How do I deal with laundry/cooking while I am in shelter?
Washing machines and kitchen facilities are available on site. Birchway Niagara provides laundry detergent and food items, and can accommodate allergies and special dietary needs.

I am afraid to return to work or school in case my abuser shows up there. What should I do?
Ontario’s Occupational Health and Safety Act now requires employers to take precautions and create policies and programs to help protect workers from domestic violence. If you are worried about returning to work, talk to your employer about how they could work with you to improve your safety (e.g., changing your schedule or work location to make it harder for your abuser to find you).

Your Individual Needs

Can you help women who have addictions?
Birchway Niagara’s staff understand that women who have experienced domestic violence are at a higher risk for substance abuse and that women with substance use issues also face increased vulnerability to violence. If you choose to use drugs or alcohol, this decision will not alter Birchway Niagara’s commitment to helping and supporting you as long as your behaviours do not create a safety risk for our other clients. Our shelters use a “Harm Reduction” model of service aimed at reducing the negative consequences associated with drug abuse. While our shelters do not permit the storage or use of illegal drugs or alcohol on site, we understand that relapse or some degree of continued use may be part of your recovery journey. We can also connect you with other services if you would like to reduce or stop your drug use.

Can you help women with disabilities?
Our shelter is equipped with many accessible features (e.g., an elevator, barrier-free showers). We encourage you to share information regarding accommodations you may require while accessing our shelter or outreach programs.

Can you help women with mental health issues?
Women experiencing domestic violence or abuse experience mental health issues at a much higher rate than the general population. A history of mental illness will not stop you from receiving support. In some cases, we will work with other community mental health programs to ensure that we can support your mental health while also helping you to deal with abuse.

I am a trans woman. Can I get help?
If you self-identify as a woman, you are welcome to access Birchway Niagara’s services. If there are ways that we can make your stay in a shelter or your appointments more comfortable, let our staff know so we can be as supportive as possible.

I don’t speak English. Can you help me?
Yes. We can get the help of interpreters so we can help you in your language.


Can Birchway Niagara speak at my community group/school/business?
Birchway Niagara would be happy to send a representative to your organization to talk about our services and the issue of abuse. Call 905-356-3933 ext. 224 for more information.

Why don’t women leave an abusive partner?
A woman experiencing abuse often has to consider a lot of things before deciding to leave her partner. Fear for her safety and the safety of her children (and whether she can protect them if her partner gets partial custody), concerns about her financial and housing security, cultural and social pressures among other considerations can be significant barriers to getting out of an abusive relationship.

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